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Gun Snot Paste

Gun Snot Paste is the original version of the lube created for the 2004 Olympic team. We did well with that.

It works best when it is used on the high-impact areas of the weapon. It is a bit thick for a trigger (not the hammer) so in that application, you would use Gun Snot® Aerosol.

Pure: contains no thickeners or solvents which can leave carbon residue and degrade equipment. Its contents are perfluorinated and a branch of the Teflon tree.

Easy to clean. Simply wipe lubricated surfaces clean with brake cleaner or your favorite cleaner. Our experience is that once you do a deep clean with brake cleaner to get down to the raw metal.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: you don’t need to do this deep clean each time because the Teflon is in the nooks and crannies of the metal. Wipe it clean with a nonfibrous cloth (included) and apply fresh Gun Snot overtop the remnants of the hand cleaning of the BCG or chamber.

HOWEVER, the first clean is the most critical. Wear safety glasses and do the cleaning outside so the solvent will evaporate quickly and get you back to where deep clean started. Very much like a CLP lube. It will seem like a lot of solvent, but you do not need to do that every time.

Use on any surface that slides, rolls, or rubs. Best to test to understand where the work of the lubricant is and where it does its work.

DO NOT OVERUSE IT! Use ‘Dots, not Lots” so you are not wasting lube and creating a carbon magnet. We have an experimental version of it that appears to work really well – but testing is still continuing. We are signing up Beta users weekly. Understanding where the points of work are being done is where you want to put a dot of lube on it. Lubricating the entire interior will do you no good and in fact, is an even larger magnet for soils.

Model:  GS-Paste
Brand:  Gun Snot

Gun Snot

Gun Snot Paste